Key Rate and Spread trends

Important Disclosures
Federal funds rate data last updated June 30, 2024. Source: Federal Reserve.

Economic data last updated June 30, 2024. Core CPI and Core PCE exclude food and energy. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Current coupon Agency MBS reflects the 30-year current coupon Agency MBS yield. Agency MBS spread to U.S. Treasuries and Agency MBS spread to swaps reflect the 30-year current coupon Agency MBS yield spread to a 50/50 average of 5- and 10-year U.S. Treasury yields and a 50/50 average of 5- and 10-year SOFR OIS swaps, respectively. MOVE Index reflects the ICE BofA Move Index. Each chart is shown over the trailing 12 months ended June 30, 2024, and each monthly change reflects the difference between June 2024 month-end data and May 2024 month-end data. Source: Bloomberg.

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