AGNC’s primary social impacts are related to our investment activity and our employees, both of which are critical to our success as an organization.
Our focus on Agency MBS investments drives the inherent social benefit of our business model – facilitating homeownership and, by extension, wealth creation and social mobility throughout the U.S.
Within our organization, we understand that employees who feel supported truly thrive, and we are fully committed to promoting and strengthening both their professional development and well-being through an engaging work environment and comprehensive benefits program.
Investment Activity
We are proud to support the U.S. housing market, including historically underserved segments. By providing private capital through our investments in residential mortgages, including mortgages that are typically disfavored by loan originators in today’s market, we play a meaningful role in helping individuals and families purchase and refinance homes. The social benefits of homeownership as an accessible vehicle for individual and generational wealth creation while acting as a stabilizing agent for communities across the country are well-documented.
Investment Portfolio
Homes Financed
Invested in Lower Balance and High LTV / HARP
Invested in HomeReady Loans

Human Capital management
Our success as a company ultimately depends on the strength, wellness, and dedication of our workforce. We strive to create a workplace that is respectful and inclusive and provide our highly skilled employees an engaging, rewarding, and supportive atmosphere in which to grow professionally and contribute.
Employee Satisfaction
Annual Voluntary Employee Turnover
Years of Average Tenure
Number of Employees
Community Involvement
We recognize the importance of corporate participation in community affairs and support organizations that primarily focus on safe and fair housing, community outreach, and social issues. Our employee-led Volunteerism & Community Outreach Committee is responsible for developing and leading new volunteer opportunities, as well as identifying ways AGNC can positively impact the local community.

Human Rights
AGNC is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen, and we believe it is our duty to promote and protect human rights in our business and in our interactions with our stakeholders. We strive to conduct our operations in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and recognize the importance of respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms such as those encompassed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This commitment is reflected in AGNC’s Statement on Human Rights, which guides our efforts.