Our Take

  • While Chair Powell reiterated the Fed’s data-dependent approach to monetary policy, he also conveyed a dovish tone during the press conference.
  • The Chair’s remarks provide a clear signal that the Committee expects to move toward a less restrictive monetary policy stance in the coming months.
  • Consistent with the press conference remarks, the market is pricing in a near 100% probability of a 25 basis point rate cut in September and a high probability of an additional 25 basis point rate cut at each of the November and December meetings. 
  • Importantly, Chair Powell also noted that while unemployment remains low by historical measures, material further weakness in the labor market would not be a welcome development from his perspective. 

Important Disclosures
The thoughts, opinions, and outlook contained in the “Our Take” section are solely those of AGNC Investment Corp. (“AGNC”) management and are being shared for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Neither the Federal Reserve nor any other third party has contributed to or been involved in AGNC’s preparation of these materials. AGNC does not endorse or adopt the views of the Federal Reserve or any third party.

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